Union Académique Internationale

Greek and Latin Inscriptions

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Project nº77 (new number), adopted in 1922


The project promotes the publication of epigraphic supplements to the volumes relating to Italy of the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (CIL) and of the Inscriptiones Graecae. These are two separate projects, but with the same purpose: to make available to scholars the new texts, Latin and Greek, found in Italy and Spain with photographs, commentaries and updated bibliography. The Commission promotes three distinct series:

  1. Supplementa Italica, nuova serie. Each volume includes for individual Italian cities considered, a historical background, bibliographic update to published texts and edition with commentary of new Latin inscriptions. The first volume came out in 1981.This series has the merit to update progressively with the new texts accompanied by photos and recent bibliography the volumes of CIL related to Italy published at the end of the nineteenth-early twentieth century. For each town we provide a large update to the historical news with references to literary sources, to old and new inscriptions, and to recent archaeological discoveries. It follows a large bibliographic update to all the texts published in the volumes of CIL. Finally, we publish the texts unpublished or published after the CIL, with accurate description of the inscribed objects, transcription of the texts according to modern criteria and appropriate commentary with proposal of dating. All elements of which the old volumes of CIL are deprived.
  2. Supplementa Italica - Imagines. Each volume includes photographs of Latin inscriptions mostly of Rome kept in public or private museums of Rome or other cities, with synthetic commentary for each inscription. Roma 1, dedicated to the epigraphic collection of the Capitoline Museums, came out in 1999 (pp. 632 + 2239 photos). Rome 2 (2003), dedicated to the inscriptions of the Vatican Museums and the Antiquarium Comunale del Celio (pp. 672 + 1207 photos). Rome 3 (2008), dedicated to the inscriptions of Rome preserved in the collections of Florence (pp. 540 + 702 photos). Rome 4 (2014), dedicated to the inscriptions of Rome in the National Museum of Naples and in the Museums of Verona (pp. 216 + 596 photos). Rome 5 (2016), dedicated to the inscriptions of Rome preserved in the historical palaces of the city (pp. 368 + 726 photos). A volume with the inscriptions of the cities of the Latium Vetus (2005, pp. 864 + 1090 photos) was also published. These volumes are a useful tool for scholars of Latin inscriptions of Italy because the Corpus volumes do not have images, which are indispensable for a correct reading, interpretation and dating of the texts.
  3. Iscrizioni Greche d’Italia. The volume XIV of the IG having been published in 1890, there are numerous new Greek inscriptions found in the cities of Italy thanks to the archaeological excavations conducted mainly since the middle of the last century, which have also returned new data relating to old texts. For this reason each volume of the series publishes in full the Greek epigraphic material relative to individual cities or entire regions. For each inscription in addition to the photographic apparatus, is foreseen transcription, full commentary and bibliography. The first volume dedicated to Porto came out in 1984. Two volumes are dedicated to Naples (1990, 1995) and others to Reggio Calabria (2007); Locri I (2013) and the whole Apulia (2015). In 2018, Locri II will be released, with updates and texts relating to the colonies of Hipponium and Medma and two important volumes are in preparation, one on the rest of Campania (excluding Naples) and another dedicated to Ostia.


Archivo Epigráfico de Hispania is a research Center, interdisciplinary and interdepartmental, focused on the collection, systematic cataloging, study and dissemination through telematic means of the set of epigraphic materials generated and found in Hispanic soil, from Antiquity to the eighteenth century and in any of the languages in which they have been produced, preserved or transmitted by literary, documentary, historical sources, whether handwritten or printed. El Archivo Epigráfico de Hispania is part of the consolidated Research Group of the Complutense University: "Textos Epigráficos Antiguos de la Península Ibírica y el Mediterráneo Griego", TEAPIMEG. The TEAPIMEG research group focuses on the study of ancient inscriptions from Spain and Portugal and from other areas of the Mediterranean in Antiquity. Our approach to the study of epigraphy is multidisciplinary, combining methods and perspectives from philology, linguistics, archaeology and history. Special attention is paid to digitization projects, such as the Hesperia databank of Pre-Roman languages of the Iberian peninsula [http://hesperia.ucm.es]. The group publishes yearly the series Hispania Epigraphica [https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/HIEP] and is responsible of the Epigraphic Archive of Hispania, which holds updated, exhaustive information about every single ancient inscription from Spain and Portugal. The series Hispania Epigraphica (HEp) is a periodical (annual) publication of scientific actualization on latin, greek and palaeohispanic epigraphy of the Iberian Peninsula until the Visigoth periods.